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Guess Paper Commercial Geo graphy for Punjab Boards

 Guess Paper           Commercial Geography, Punjab

Guess Paper       Commercial Geography        Punjab Boards          2021

Guess Paper           Commercial Geography, Punjab


Q2.  Attempt any three questions. Word Geo

                   i.            Define geography & their types.

                 ii.            What are the kinds of activities?

              iii.            What steps should be taken to improve fisheries in Pakistan?

              iv.            Write the kinds of natural vegetation.

                 v.            Write a note on cotton / wheat in Pakistan.

              vi.            Write factors of cotton industry.

            vii.            List the names of the countries that export / iron.

         viii.            List the countries where natural gas is found.

              ix.            Write a note on rice / sugarcane in Pakistan.

                 x.            What do you know about iron industry?


Q3.  Detailed answer questions.

                   i.            Write in detail the factors required for industry.

                 ii.            What are the types of fertilizers? Write in detail.

              iii.            Explain mineral oil (cooking oil) producing countries.

              iv.            Explain the properties of surface of Pakistan.

                 v.            What are the kinds of forests? Also explain the advantages of the forests.


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