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See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch | zea tutor | English Grammar

English Grammar       

See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch

zea tutor | English Grammar

See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch | zea tutor | English Grammar
See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch | zea tutor | English Grammar 

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See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch

English Grammar

See | Look | Watch | see vs look vs watch

See VS Look VS Watch:

See, look and watch seem similar verbs but they are not. Their use and nature are a bit different from one another.

             Use of “see”

The word “see” is used to have a careless glance at the things.

i.e. I saw many things at the shop.

Use of “look”

The word “look” is used to have a careful glance with full concentration at the things when                     these things are stationary.

i.e. All the students are looking at the board.

Use of “watch”

The word “watch” is used to have a careful glance at the things whne these are moving objects.

i.e. I am watching a movie.

Please watch my video for more details.

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