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An Adverb & Categories of Adverb | zea tutor | English Grammar Lectures

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An Adverb & Categories of Adverb | zea tutor | English Grammar Lectures
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An Adverb & Categories of Adverb:

Adverb & its categories

An adverb is the quality of a verb. i.e., The fat boy runs slowly. In this sentence the word "slowly" is an adverb. We can divide an adverb into three basic categories. These are:

  • Adverb of manner
  • Adverb of time
  • Adverb of place

Adverb of manner:

The adverb of manner are the adverbs that display our manners, attitude & behaviour etc.

    For example: He was reading loudly. She runs fast. They fight bravely. 

        Loudly, Bravely and fast in these sentences are the adverbs.

Adverb of time

The adverb of time are the adverbs that point out the words of time.

    For example: When will you go? She is going now.

        When and now in these sentences are the time adverb.

Adverb of place

The adverb of place are the adverbs that are related to the place.

    For example: Where does he live? He followed you everywhere.

        Where and everywhere in these sentences are the time adverb.

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