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Correct use of since and for | Grammar Rules | zea tutor | English Grammar

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Correct use of since & for | Grammer Rules | zea tutor | English Grammar
Correct use of since & for | Grammer Rules | zea tutor | English Grammar

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Correct use of since & for | Grammer Rules

Correction of Sentences

Correct Use of  Since and For 

 The Correct use of “since” and “for” is a serious problem of the non-English students especially in Asian countries like Pakistan. The students frequently commit mistakes while using these words in prefect continuous tenses. Here is a special formula for them to correct it.

Here, we will learn the rule of “correct use of since & for". 

They have been playing in the ground for since hours.          (wrong)

                        They have been playing in the ground for two hours.            (right)

                        She had been writing a book for 2018.                                   (wrong)

                                    She had been writing a book since 2018.                               (right)

                        It has been raining for 7oçlock.                                              (wrong)

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