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Factors of Term of Trade | Determinants Term of Trade | zea tutor | Economics lectures in Urdu

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Factors of Term of Trade | Determinants Term of Trade | zea tutor | Economics lectures in Urdu
Factors of Term of Trade | Determinants Term of Trade | zea tutor | Economics lectures in Urdu

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Factors of Term of Trade | Determinants Term of Trade

Factors / Determinants Term of Trade

The ratio of imports and exports of any country cannot always be the same. Sometimes imports are high and

 sometimes exports are high. However, every country strives and seeks to increase its exports in order to

 earn as much foreign exchange as possible. Global trade is affected by a number of factors, the most

 important of which are:

Elasticity of export demand

Elasticity of supply of export goods

The nature of the item

Availability of the Goods

Cost of Production of Goods

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 اور خواہش ہوتی ہے کہ اسکی برآمدات زیادہ ہوں تاکہ زیادہ سے زیادہ زر مبادلہ کمایا جا سکے۔عالمی تجارت کو کئی ایک عوامل متاثر کرتے ہیں جن میں اہم ترین یہ


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