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Guess Paper Economics I.Com English Medium 2021

GUESS PAPER            Economics                    2021

Short Answer Question


1.       Write the definition of economics as given by Adam Smith, Marshall or Robbins.

2.       Advantages of study of economics.

3.       Define factors of production & Write the names of factors of production.

4.       Define consumption & relative importance of factors of production.

5.       Describe law of demand/supply. (rise & fall or expansion & contraction of demand.

6.       What is elasticity of demand? Describes its degrees.

7.       Difference b/w change in demand & change in quantity demanded.

8.       Difference b/w stock & supply or demand & supply.

9.       Describe laws of returns and laws of costs. Write their names.

10.   Difference b/w fixed cost & variable cost/marginal cost & total cost.

11.   State the difference & properties of perfect completion or monopoly.


1.       Describe any one method of measurement of N.I. (total production method)

2.       Define national Income & its concepts with table. (Differences of two)

3.       Describe the trade cycles and its phases. Describe any one.

4.       What are the problems of barter system? How money solve these problems?

5.       What are the causes of inflation (devaluation of money/ rise in price)?

6.       Difference b/w public & private finance.

7.       What are the sources of public finance/ government income/ federal income?

8.       Difference b/w Zakat & tax.

9.       Describe the advantages/ disadvantages of foreign trade (international trade).

10.   Describe the canons of taxation. (Adam Smith).

11.   What are the difference b/w national trade & foreign trade?

Long Answer Question


1.       Describe the law of diminishing marginal utility & assumptions & limitations.

2.       Describe law of demand/ supply with assumptions & limitations.

3.       Explain market price. ( equilibrium of demand & supply)

4.       Describe law of decreasing return / increasing return.

5.       Explain the equilibrium of firm under perfect completion or monopoly. 


1.       Explain various concepts of national Income.

2.       What is money? Explain the functions of money?

3.       Explain the advantages/ disadvantages of foreign trade (international trade).

4.       Describe advantages & disadvantages of direct /indirect tax.

5.       Differentiate b/w balance of trade & balance of payment? How can we improve the deficit balance of payment?

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