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Correct Pronunciation of letter "C"

          English Grammar

Correct Pronunciation of letter "C"
Correct Pronunciation of letter "C"

 Pronunciation of letter "C"

English grammar is the hot topic of today's, especially for those students whose mother's language is other than English. they feel much problem while speaking English for some reasons:

     1. English is not their mother language.

     2. They find no platform to learn it.

     3.  No proper environment is available to speak it properly.

There are some letters which are very difficult to pronounce as "C" and "G"

Today,  we will learn  how to pronounce "C" at different place and time.

For the right and correct pronunciation of letter “C” we have to judge the letters after this letter. If we see “e, i or y” after this letter, we will pronounce it as “س” in Urdu but if we see any other letter after it we have to pronounce it as “ک” in Urdu. 

look at these words where we will be able to pronounce this letter in the right way.

Cell will be pronounced as --- SELL

City will be pronounced as --- SITY

Cyber will be pronounced as --- SYBER

Ceiling will be pronounced as --- SEILING

On the other hand, look at these words where we pronounce it in different way

Cup will be pronounced as --- KUP

Cat will be pronounced as --- KAT

Clear will be pronounced as --- KLEAR

Coach will be pronounced as --- KOACH

Look at Some more examples:

Access will be pronounced as --- AKSESS

Success will be pronounced as --- SUKSESS

Please Note:

It is manadatory to be noted in some  rare cases, the pronunciation may be in way for some reasons but 99 % it is as said above

We will make it easy to learn grammar because it is grammar that makes you learn a language.

       For this purpose, please watch our channel on You Tube.

                              ہمیں انگلش کیوں مشکل لگتی ہے؟

اس لئے کہ:

    انگلش ہماری مادری زبان نہیں۔کوئی بھی غیر مادری زبان سیکھنے میں مشکل ہی ہوتی ہے۔

2.  ہمیں سیکھنے کا کوئی خاص پلیٹ فارم نہیں ملتا۔

3.   ہمیں غیر ملکی زبان بولنے کا موقع بھی نہیں ملتا۔

   آج ہم حرف "" کی صحیح آواز نکالنا سیکھیں گے۔

     تو پریشانی چھوڑیئے اور آیئےدیکھتے ہیں کہ

انگلش میں حرف "C" کی آواز کیسے تبدیل ہوتی ہے۔    



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