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Helping Veb | auxiliary verbs | zea tutor | English Grammar lecture in Urdu

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Helping Veb | Auxiliary verbs

Helping Veb | auxiliary verbs | zea tutor | English Grammar lecture in Urdu
Helping Veb | auxiliary verbs | zea tutor | English Grammar lecture in Urdu

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Helping Veb | Auxilliary verbs

Do not use helping verb here

The sentences where we are not allowed to use any helping verb in.

In English language, there are three possibilities where we cannot use any helping verb.

Present Indefinite Tense (informative / simple sentence)

Past Indefinite Tense (informative / simple sentence)

Imperative Sentence (order / request / advice)

 Present Indefinite Tense (informative / simple sentence)

            He goes to college.

            She works at home.

            You write a letter.

Past Indefinite Tense (informative / simple sentence)

            He went to college.

            She worked at home.

            You wrote a letter.

Imperative Sentence (order / request / advice)

            Obey you officer.

            Give me your book please.

            Always help the poor.

Notwithstanding, we have to use helping verb while making these sentences negative or interrogative. Negative and interrogative sentences are not possible without helping verb.

Negative Sentences:   

She does not work at home.

            You do not write a letter.

She did not work at home.

            You did not write a letter.

            Do not abuse him.

Interrogative Sentences:        

Does she work at home?

            Do you not write a letter?

Did she not work at home?

            Did you did not write a letter?

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